viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Osama Ten Years Late

OK, now that OBL is dead, what? Terrorism is over? Peace won? What did we win?
The operation that took out the "World's greatest threat" ended up in success, albeit we all know it will be a short one. Either we'll have another act soon, or in a few months/years, but it will come. We all know that that's Humanity's specialité, killing and making wars. It's our sole distinguishing skill as a species. Of course, it's not trendy and won't go into your resumé, but that's it.
America F@ck Yeah!? I used to love America, before all this tragedy happened, but just as that nice looking high school girl you used to admire and 15 years later you ran into her, now bloated, and looking for a rebound, I just can't understand you darling, even less rally for your cause. Sure, I feel for all the lives lost at 9/11, but what about all the soldiers and civilians lives wasted in these 10 years of "war against terror"...?! What about those to come?
This "war's end" makes me think about the worst possible break-even in recent history: nobody wins, everyone loses! Damn... And I understand about redemption, closure, karma, etc. This is not that, this is revenge. And sure, the Klingons say that that is a a dish best served cold, but this one is putrid.
So, America, best wishes, love most of your people, XOXOXO but... pretty please...

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