viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Mission Statement

OK, so a little background before we get into this.
I'm a 30-something Chilean internerd, went to the best school around the block, best university in Latin America, born to a wealthy family, have an awesome degree, a good position in a respectable international company and good money income, etc. I've been lucky.
This is not to show off or say that I had it easy so far - I certainly have had my fair share of pain and grief. This is for you to know that I'm an imperfect elitist jerk, that I'm aware of it and that you will not likely like everything I'll post. But this is my posting blog (my own, my preciouss...).
Anyway, I'm married to a superb woman, smart, beatiful and really/truly good person. I love her for that, among many other things. We have an eleven month old kid and he is just awesome; the pendex (that is the way we call brats here) is a smartass, cunning, funny trooper. Love him.
Besides that, I'm part of many online communities, I'm a hardcore gamer, read a lot, from comics to religion to politics to history books, avid movie fan, etc. I'm a self-righteouss, ironic and cynical good guy. Maybe lawfully neutral sometimes.
OK, so why do I want to post?
  • I want to exercise my english (granted, not my main language).
  • Twitter is a bit limited for my posts.
  • This is fun! (for me, not you, mind you).
What can you expect to find here?
  • a lot of gaming/comics/flics related posts.
  • trash talking and whining about daily life.
  • randomness.
If you are looking for the truth or coherence, check the next door or go to a church or what fancies your time. Sorry, better up front.

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